Associate Professor in Cellular Biology Ph.D. (1992) Purdue University Selected Publications Selected Publications: Sornborger, A.T., Broder, J., Majumder, A., Srinivasamoorthy, G., Porter, E., Reagin, S.S., Keith, C., and J.D. Lauderdale. (2008) Estimating weak ratiometric signals in imaging data. II. Meta-analysis with multiple, dual-channel datasets. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 25(9):2185-2194. Kim, J. and J.D. Lauderdale. (2008) Overexpression of pairedless Pax6 in the retina disrupts corneal development and affects lens cell survival. Dev. Biol. 313:434-454. Fan, X., Majumder, A., Reagin, S.S., Porter, E.L., Sornborger, A.T., Keith, C.H and J.D. Lauderdale. (2007) New Statistical Methods Enhance Imaging of Cameleon FRET in Cultured Zebrafish Spinal Neurons. J. Biomedical Optics 12(3):034017. (Selected for inclusion in the June 1, 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research) Broder, J., Majumder, A., Srinivasamoorthy, G., Porter, E., Keith, C., Lauderdale*, J.D. and A.T. Sornborger*. (2007) Estimating weak ratiometric signals in imaging data I: dual-channel data. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24(9):2921�2931. *Lauderdale and Sornborger are co-Senior Investigators on this project. Lakowski, J., Majumder, A., and J.D. Lauderdale. (2007) Mechanisms controlling Pax6 isoform expression in the retina have been conserved between teleosts and mammals. Dev. Biol. 307:498-520. Kim, J. and J.D. Lauderdale (2006) Analysis of Pax6 expression using a BAC transgene reveals the presence of a paired-less isoform of Pax6 in the eye and olfactory bulb. Dev. Biol. 292:486-505. Lauderdale, J.D., Wilensky, J.S., Oliver, E.R., Walton, D.S., and T. Glaser. (2000) 3' deletions cause aniridia by preventing PAX6 gene expression. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 97(25):13755-13759. Lauderdale, J.D., Pasquali, S. K., Fazel, R., van Eeden, F. J. M., Schauerte, H. E., Haffter, P, and J.Y. Kuwada. (1998) Regulation of netrin-1a expression by hedgehog proteins. Mol. Cell. Neuro. 11(4):194-205. Lauderdale, J.D., Davis, N.M., and J.Y. Kuwada. (1997) Axon tracts correlate with netrin-1a expression in the zebrafish embryo. Mol. Cell. Neuro. 9(4): 293-313. Liu, K., Lauderdale, J.D., and A. Stein. (1993) Signals in chicken b-globin DNA influence chromatin assembly in vitro. Mol. Cell. Biol. 13(12):7596-7603. Lauderdale, J.D. and A. Stein. (1993) Effects of plasmid length and positioned nucleosomes on chromatin assembly in vitro. Biochemistry 32(2):489-499. Lauderdale, J.D. and A. Stein. (1992) Introns of the chicken ovalbumin gene promote nucleosome alignment in vitro. Nucl. Acids Res. 20(24):6589-6596. Jeong, S.-W., Lauderdale, J.D., and A. Stein. (1991) Chromatin assembly on plasmid DNA in vitro: apparent spreading of nucleosome alignment from one region of pBR327 by histone H5. J. Mol. Biol. 222(4):1131-1147.